Awakening The Spirits: Indigenous Music Selections Of Indonesia 1. Angklung Buncis Bamboo Rattles of Banyumas, Central Java 2. Glundhangan Music for Pigeons in Madurese East Java 3. Angklung Paglak in Kemiren, Banyuwangi, East Java 4. Leku Sene in Timor 5. Klentang Fractured Gamelan Traditions in Lombok 6. Angklung Kebumen 7. Gondolio in Rawalo, Banyumas, Central Java 8. Selober Mouth Harp Music of Lombok 9. Rinding Wonogiri 10. Gogah Tube Zither from Sumba 11. Gule Gending - Cotton Candy Music of Lombok 12. Kenthulitan - Bamboo Xylophone Music from Banyuwangi, East Java 13. Calempong Kayu - Xylophone Music of Kampar, Central Sumatra 14. Musical Megaliths - Talempong Batu in West Sumatra Compiled by Jaro Sounder